Make up a story about your classmate.

0 голосов
193 просмотров

Make up a story about your classmate.

Английский язык (21 баллов) | 193 просмотров


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My classmate.
My classmate is very good. His/her name is ..... . She/he is really nice. I love her/him! She/he likes to play basketball, etc. I love to be with him/her! Her/his favorite color is blue.
We play and talk every day together!!
She/he loves English,etc. I love it too!
We laugh at teacher's words. His/her jokes are really funny!
She/he is funny good nice beautiful, etc! She/he is the best in my class!

(1.4k баллов)

etc- и так далее! если не знала то вот подсказка!