Можете помочь! Спасибо

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33 просмотров

Можете помочь! Спасибо


Английский язык (12 баллов) | 33 просмотров

Только я забыла написать am , is надеюсь ты знаешь. Я просто забыла написать . Извиняюсь.

Дан 1 ответ
0 голосов

>( черный треугольник, образец)- my aunt is staying with us this week, d) so I am *sleeping* in the living room.
1). I *going* to work by bike this week, g). because I haven't got money for petrol.
2). My father *taking* some medicine, a).so he can't drink beer at the moment.
3). Anna is not in the office this week, b). because she *working* at home.
4). Pauline needs some exercise, h).so she *walking* to school this week.
5). We *eating* in a restaurant this week, e). because our oven is broken.
6). Jill doesn't feel well, c). so she *staying* at home today.
7). Tom *studying* more now, f). because he wants a good mark.

черный треугольник и d
1 и g
2 и a
3 и b
4 и h
5 и e
6 и c
7 и f

(1.2k баллов)