1. If Liza ... (be) rich, she ... (send) her son to Eton. 2. If my parents ... (allow) me...

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122 просмотров

1. If Liza ... (be) rich, she ... (send) her son to Eton.
2. If my parents ... (allow) me to get a Saturday job, I ... (earn) some money for new computer games.
3. If the policeman ... (know) the way, he ... (tell) me how to get to the bus stop.
4. If the school ... (be) not far from my house, I ... (go) there by bike.
5. If the boy ... (be) ready for the lesson, he (get) a good mark.
6. If they ... (worry) about the test, they ... (come) on time.
7. If he ... (need) money, he ... (ask) for a job.
8. If we ... (try) our chance, we ... (spend) the weekend in the country.

Английский язык (15 баллов) | 122 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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Правильный ответ

1. were, would send
2. allowed, would earn (or: allow, will earn)
3. had known, would have told
4. were not, would go
5. had been, would have got (or: is, will get)
6. had worried, would have come
7. needed, would ask for
8.had tried, would have spent
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