Составте 20 предложений present simple отрицание и вопрос

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35 просмотров

Составте 20 предложений present simple отрицание и вопрос

Английский язык (15 баллов) | 35 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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Правильный ответ

1. Are we late?
2. Is he a doctor?
3. Does he walk to school?
4. Do they brush their teeth every morning?
5. Do you play the piano well?
6. Does he read a lot?
7. Is Jane at home?
8. When does he usually come home after work?
9. They aren't friends, are they?
10. Do you take shower every eveninig?
11. We are not late, we are  just in time. 
12. He isn't a doctor.
13. He doesn't walk to school, he rides a bike.
14. They don't brush their teeth every morning.
15. I don't play the piano well.
16. He doesn't read a lot. 
17. Jane is not at home now.
18. He usually comes home at 7 pm. 
19. They aren't friends. 
20. I don't take shower in the evenings, I take shower every morning. 

(22.3k баллов)





не поняла?! в чем нарушение-то?????


какое ???


История Вопроса

14 сентября
14:28 Данил200311 отметил нарушение в решении Пользователя CherryTheSweet


ааааа это наверное мой брат ковырялся натыкался чё



