A DAY TRIP Complete the story with the past tense of the verbs in brackets: Last Thursday...

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161 просмотров

Complete the story with the past tense of the verbs in brackets:
Last Thursday our class ..........................(go) to France for the day. I ....................(get) up early. Mum ...........................(make) some sandwiches. I ..............................(leave) home at eight o´clock. Dad ....................................(take) me to the station by car. When we ...........................(arrive) at the station, the teacher ..........................(say), "Have you all got your passports?" I ..............(look) in my bag, but my passport ...........................(not be) there. Dad .......................(take) me home again but I ......................................(can´t) find my passport. Then I ..............................(find) it. It was in my pocket ! We ..................................(drive) back to the station very fast. A policeman ..............................(stop) us. He .......................(give) Dad a ticket for speeding. Dad ...........................(miss) his train to work, but we ....................................(catch) our train to Dover. We ..............................(have) a great time in France. We ................................(do) lots of interesting things and we ...................................(see) some beautiful things in the market. I ...........................(buy) Dad a big present, but he ........................................(not be) very friendly to me.

Английский язык (30 баллов) | 161 просмотров
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Last Thursday our class went to France for the day. I got up early. Mum made some sandwiches. I left home at eight o`clock. Dad took me to the station by car. When we arrived at tha station, the teacher said Have you all got the passports? I looked in my bag, but my passport wasn`t there. Dad took me home again  but I couldn`t find my passport . Then I found it. It was in my pocket. We drove back to the station very fast. A policeman stopped us. He gave Dad a ticket for speeding. Dad missed his train to work but we cought our train to Dover. We had a great time in France. We did lots of interesting things and we saw some beautiful things in the market I bought Dad a big present but he wasn`t very friendly to  me.

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