Вопрос 1 Walter Morano speaking. Hi Walter. … Diana here. - I am - It’s - Speaking -...

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577 просмотров

Вопрос 1
Walter Morano speaking.
Hi Walter. … Diana here.
- I am
- It’s
- Speaking
- There is

Вопрос 2
I have an appointment to see Chris Brunnel … two o’clock … Friday 15th.
- at – at
- on – on
- at – in
- at - on

Вопрос 3
Mr. Marini isn’t in at the moment. Would you like to … a message?
- take
- leave
- put in
- say

Вопрос 4
He is in a meeting at the moment. I’ll put you … Jane, his PA.
- through to
- down to
- through
- in to

Вопрос 5
Mr. Henderson: ”Ask him to call me back, please.”
- Mr. Henderson asked calling him back.
- Mr. Henderson asked to call him back.
- Mr. Henderson said call him back.
- Mr. Henderson told to call him back.

Вопрос 6
- I’d like to know about your new model.
- …
- Please. What kind of information are you interested in?
- Of course, sir. What kind of information are you interested in?
- OK. Go ahead. What do you want?
- No problem.

Вопрос 7
I’d like to book a … room.
- alone
- only
- single
- lonely

Вопрос 8
Your flight’s at eleven so you need to … by nine at the latest.
- come in
- book in
- check in
- pass in

Вопрос 9
The company is now … in Chicago in the USA.
- rooted
- set
- settled
- based

Вопрос 10
Helmut Bosh … the company in Leipzig in 1989.
- created
- grounded
- founded
- formulated

Вопрос 11
- Oh, I’m … there’s been a mistake.
- afraid
- afraid, but
- regret
- afraid of

Вопрос 12
Complaints … within seven working days.
- will be dealt with
- will be deal with
- will dealt with
- will deal with

Вопрос 13
All your duties and responsibilities in this job are clearly described in the job … .
- describe
- description
- depiction
- explanation

Вопрос 14
What do you do?
- I am writing a letter.
- I am a secretary.
- I write a letter.
- I do letters.

Вопрос 15
If the paper gets stuck in the machine you have a paper … .
- block
- stick
- jam
- halt

Вопрос 16
Printing on both sides of the paper is known as … copying.
- two-faced
- both faced
- both-sided
- double-sided

Вопрос 17
When you change words and text in a document on screen you … it.
- rewrite
- edit
- amend
- adjust

Вопрос 18
The official record of what is said at a meeting is known as the … .
- records
- minutes
- spec.
- articles

Вопрос 19
The list of points to be discussed at a meeting is known as the …
- itinerary
- schedule
- agenda
- timetable

Вопрос 20
Dear Mr. Newman
(text of the letter)
- Bye
- See you
- Yours sincerely
- Earnestly yours

Вопрос 21
I … from you.
- look forward to hearing
- looking forward to hearing
- look forward to hear
- am looking forward to hear

Вопрос 22
There was an increase in sales … £0.4 mln.
There was a 3% increase … sales.
- on – at
- of – of
- of – at
- of - in

Вопрос 23
Two hundred and fifty four million, one hundred and thirty seven thousand and six pounds =
- £2541376
- £254137006
- 254137006£
- 254137£6

Вопрос 24
I regret … you that we are unable to meet your requirements.
- inform
- to inform
- informing
- that we inform

Вопрос 25
We … cooperation.
- very interested in
- are very interesting in
- are very interested
- are very interested in

Вопрос 26
Please … our price-list.
- find attached
- attached is
- find attachment
- attached

Вопрос 27
We … invite you to a conference.
- writing to
- are writing to
- want
- are wanting to

Вопрос 28
I’m writing to … my hotel reservation.
- conform
- support
- confirm
- hold up

Вопрос 29
Do you know when … yet?
- will you arrive
- are you arrive
- you will arriving
- you are arriving

Вопрос 30
If you give us a 10 % discount, we … place an order immediately.
- would
- ----
- will
- will have

Английский язык | 577 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
0 голосов
Правильный ответ

1 There`s
2 -at - on
3 leave
4 through to
5 Mr. Henderson told to call him back
6 Of course, sir. What kind of information are you interested in?
7 single
8 check in
9 based
10 founded
11 afraid
12 will be dealt with
13 description
14 I write a letter
15 jam
16 double-sided
17 edit
18 articles
19 agenda
20 Yours sincerely
21 I`m loking forward to hear from you
22 -of -in
23 £254137006
24 informing
25 are very interested in
26 find attached
27 are writing to
28  confirm
29 when you are arriving
30 will

(2.2k баллов)