Answer the questions using when and the verb of the subordinate clause in the past...

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230 просмотров

Answer the questions using when and the verb of the subordinate clause in the past continuous tense.

Model:When did she meet Helen? (walk along the street)

She met Helen when she was walking along the street.

When did you catch that cold? (skate on a frosty day) ____________

When did he write those nice poems? (have a holiday) ___________

When did she learn the language? (live in England) _____________

When did she hear that song? (listen to a concert on the radio) _____

When did you buy that book? (read up for my exams) ____________

When did the boy hurt himself? (ride the bicycle) _______________

When did Philip lose his camera? (walk about the city) ___________

When did he ring you up? (have supper) ______________________

Английский язык (68 баллов) | 230 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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1-Она встретила Helen когда она проходила вдоль улицы.
2- Когда Вы поймали этот холод? (конек в морозном дне)- I have caughted this chill in freezing day
3-Когда он написал те хорошие стихотворения? (иметь праздник)-he has written that good poems in holiday?
4-Когда она узнала язык? (живой в Англии)-She is a vein in England and has heard the language.
5-Когда она услышала эту песню? (слушайте согласие в радио)-She has heard this radio canto
6-Когда Вы купили эту книгу? (прочитанное по для моих экзаменов)-I have bought this book before exam
7-Когда делал мальчика самим повреждением? (съездите велосипед)-When boy has rode the bycicle he became itself damaged.
8-Когда Филип терял его камеру? (пройдите о городе)-Philip lost its camera during looked the city.
9-Когда он позвонил Вам по? (иметь ужин)- He has rung me before supper

(75 баллов)