Прочитай интервью с американским метеорологом и решите, какие высказывания истинны, а...

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39 просмотров

Прочитай интервью с американским метеорологом и решите, какие высказывания истинны, а какие не соответствуют тексту:
Read the interview with an American weather expert and decide whether the statements are true T or false F:
1. To forecast the weather it's enough to know the weather in the area where you live. (--)
2. Sometimes you can predict the weather yourself. (--)
3. It is likely that extremely cold winters come one after another. (--)
4. Meteorologists are good at forecasting weather two days ahead. (--)
5. The temperature of the water in the Pacific Ocean influences in the United States. (--)
6. Scientists can forecast the weather a month ahead.(--)
7. You can hear and read very different forecasts. (--)
8. if you flip a coin, you can predict the weather. (--)
9. Meteorologists have learned everything about the weather. (--)
10. We are likely to learn to control the weather in the future. (--)

Q.: How do you find out the weather every day?
A: We learn about the weather by collecting data (temperature, wind, and humidity) every hour of the day and night all over the world. We then plot the data on maps, study the way things seem to move and run computer models. Weather generally moves west to east in the United States, so you can sometimes look to the west to estimate of your weather in a few hours or the next day.

Q: Is there any way to predict how sever a winter will be?
A: the last winter was a record type of year and it is unlikely that we will have two years in a row like that. However we have no good means of forecasting what the winter will be like. Meteorologists use computer models to help them forecast the weather. Our best forecasts are for about two days ahead. e have some accuracy forecasting as far ahead as seven days. We also look at global weather trends and watch for things such as the warming of the equatorial waters in the Pacific Ocean, which can change the weather of the United States. However, beyond a month, the skill is not there. You can flip a coin (бросить монету) and have as good a chance in being right. We still have so much to learn. Some people try to relate the upcoming winter weather to the type of the summer we had and what has happened historically. This would say it will be a mild winter. The Climate Analysis Branch says that there is a slightly greater than 50 percent chance that temperatures will average above normal, but this says nothing about the snow. The Farmer's Almanac says it will be a harsh winter. Some people say we have returned to the weather patterns of the 1960s during which there were many big snowstorms. in other words, we don't really know but it gives people something to talk about. It gives the meteorologists something more to learn about the weather patterns and someday predict what the upcoming winter will be like.

Q: Do you think we will be able to control the weather, for instance, make it a sunny or a cloudy day?
A; I doubt we will ever be able to fully control the weather. To do so we would have to understand the sky, the oceans, and all the effects of geography, like the height of mountains and many other events. There is a term scientists use, called "chaos", and weather is oneo of the natural events that involves a chaotic variable. This means a very small event, like a drop of water on a perfectly still pond will spread a ripple a great distance away. Then drop a second drop of water, and a third will have similar but slightly different effects - and you can see how hard it gets to follow the waves. I keep a picture of a warm, sunny day in my mind for use on cloudy days.

Лексика и грамматика. Use of English. Match the verbs and nouns

to apply for

to manage

to change

to quit

to judge by

to earn
money, the job, the staff, one's mind, skills, a job

6 баллoв

Письмо. Составить диалог. Put this conversation in order

- Oh! I've got a toothache!

- I'm OK. Imagine, I got a five in Algebra!

- And how are things with you?

- Hello John. How are you today?

- Really?That's a surprise!

-Oh dear! Does it hurt?

Английский язык (93 баллов) | 39 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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2. False
3. True
4. False

(152 баллов)