Good morning," said Miss Tucker and she gave the books to the children.Hank took his book.Heloked at it,but he didnt like it.Then niss tycker told the children about her holidays. I was on a real ranch this summer. I saw cowboys at work,and i learnt to ridea hors. She laughed.what did all ofyou do this summer?"
Hank thought of Miss Tucker on a real horse.A teacher on a horse!
The children talked about their holidays.But Hank didn't listen.Hank thought of Lake Camp, and Puffy... This year we will look after the Science room*," said Miss Tucker.
Biddy said,“I have got some rocks.I can bring them.”
"Good!" Said Miss Tuker, "We'll have a rock collection."
I've got some seashells."
I've got a magnet."
Siddehly Hank said,"Miss Tucker, I've got a pet snake.He is a beautiful shake.He's very harmless."
Miss Tucker said, "You may bring Puffy."