Помогите плизз:What are the past forms of the verbs below? Which are regular (R) and lrregular (l)? See the list of irregular verbs at the and of the BOOK. 1.see-saw(l) 2.go 3.read 4.make 5.take 6.write 7.send 8.buy 9.work 10.play 11.find 12.think 13.have 14.get
Go - went (I) read - read (I) - пишется одинаково, но читается по-разному make-made(I) Take-took(I) write-wrote(I) send-sent(I) buy-bought(I) find-found(I) think-thought(I) have-had(I) get-got(I) Выходит все неправильные, если я не ошиблась)