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Текст: St Petersburg is a famous Russian
city situated on the Neva River near
the Baltic [ˈbɔ:ltɪk] Sea. The first
name of the city was St Petersburg
after the tsar Peter the Great who
founded it. In 1914 the city got the
name of Petrograd and changed it
for Leningrad in 1924. It became
St Petersburg again in 1991.
Peter the Great founded the city in 1703 and moved the
capital from Moscow to St Petersburg in 1712. The new city
became home of Russian tsars and began to grow fast. Soon
beautiful Winter Palace appeared in Dvortsovaya (Palace)
Square with a tall column in its centre.
You can see the famous monument to Peter
the Great on the bank of the Neva River.
St Petersburg is famous for its palaces and
bridges (there are 342 bridges in the city),
its churches, theatres and museums, its
wonderful parks and gardens. The Summer
Garden is one of them. Every year a lot of
tourists come to see this beautiful city.
They walk along the straight streets of
St Petersburg, enjoy boat trips, take lots
of pictures and often come back to it.
ВОПРОС : Say why many tourists would like to come to St Petersburg again. 20 БАЛЛОВ!!! ПЛИЗ!!!

Английский язык (53 баллов) | 141 просмотров

перевод ответа: Каждый год многие туристы приезжают, чтобы увидеть этот прекрасный город. Они ходят вдоль прямых улиц Санкт-Петербурга, покататься на лодках, сделать много картин и часто возвращаются к нему.


Санкт-Петербург-известный российскийгород расположен на реке Нева рядомБалтийского моря. Первыйназвание города Санкт-Петербургпосле царь Петр Великийосновал его. В 1914 году город получилназвание Петроград и изменил егов Ленинград в 1924 году. СталоСанкт-Петербурге еще в 1991 году.Петр Великий основал этот город в 1703 году и переехалстолицу из Москвы в Санкт-Петербург в 1712 году. Новый городстал дома русских царей и начал быстро расти. Скоро

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Every year a lot of tourists come to see this beautiful city. They walk along the straight streets of St  Petersburg, enjoy boat trips, take lots of pictures and often come back to it because it is very beautiful and famous for its palaces and
bridges (there are 342 bridges in the city),its churches, theatres and museums, its wonderful parks and gardens. 

(63.6k баллов)