My favourite book
I can imagine my life without book. Best of all i like to read. My favourite book is Robinson Crusoe by daniel Defoe. This novel was written in 1719.The novel is praise to human labour and triumph of man over nature .Daniel Defoe shows the development of his hero.At the begining of the story we see an unexperienced youth, a rather frivolous boy, who then becomes a strong-willed man
Robinson Crusoe's most characteristic trait in gis optimism.he had confidence in himself.Crusoe was an enthusiatic worker and always hoped for the best.
Defoe is a writer og Enlightenment. he teaches people how to live .His novel is not only work of fiction, an account of adventures,a biography adn an educational pamphlet.It is a stufy of man , a great work showing man in relation to nature and civilizationas well as in relation to labour and private property