1. On the bed between the two girls were some letters, which were laid facedown so that...

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118 просмотров

1. On the bed between the two girls were some letters, which were laid facedown so that they couldn’t see return addresses. Blair got seven letters and five letters were Serena’s. “Okay. Ready?” Serena asked.
Blair closed her eyes and took the first letter. “Okay. Let’s do it.”
Rriipp! Rriipp! Rriipp!
2. Blair looked at Serena. “How’d you do?” she asked.
Serena could tell from the scary look on Blair’s face that the news was not good. She didn’t know what to say. “Urn, I got a place ... um ... everywhere?”
Blair stared at the acceptance letters in Serena’s hands. On top was a cream -colored letter with the blue Yale University letterhead. “Wait, you applied to Yale?” isked Blair.
“Yes,” Serena nodded.1 “At the last minute I just decided, why not, you know?”
“And you got a place?”
Serena nodded again. “Sorry.”
3. The way Blair was looking at her was making Serena nervous. What did Serena have that she didn’t? She was in the top of her class at school and took every AP* course they offered. She was the best at the SAT. She did charity work. She was the leader of the French club. She was an excellent tennis player. Her entire high-school career — practically her whole life — she’d been working toward entering Yale. Her father had gone there. His father had gone there. Her great-uncle had donated two buildings and a playing field. Serena took no APs at all, and did only a few extracurricular activities. Serena’s dad had gone to Princeton and Brown, two of Yale’s biggest competitors.2 Still, Yale had accepted Serena and put Blair on their wait list!
4. “I probably won’t even go,” Serena made an attempt to make things less important. “I have to ... you know ... visit all the schools before I decide,” she gath-tred her blond hair on top of her head. “Maybe I won’t even go to college right iway. I could stay in the city and try to do some acting or something.”
5. So Serena got into Yale, but she didn’t even really want to go there. Serena collected her letters and held them behind her back.
“What about the other schools? You must have —”
“I got wait listed at Yale. The only place that accepted me is Georgetown. Stupid Georgetown. But it was my safety.”
Serena stared at her for a moment her eyes wide with surprise. “That’s not so bad,” Serena said. “I’m sure Yale is hard to enter. And if you didn’t enter, at least you have backup.”

For questions 1 -7 find the correct answers. Prove your choice using the words and phrases from the text.

1. After reading the letter it was clear that Serena got a place

a at all universities she had applied to.
b only at Yale University,
с at seven different universities.
2. Blair got a place

a at five universities she had applied
b at one university,
с at two universities.
3. In her class Blair

a was the leader,
b was the best student,
с won the tennis tournament.
4. Blair’s dream was

a to enter Yale University,
b to work at Yale.
с to go to Yale with her father.

5. Serena got a place at Yale because

a her school results were good enough.

b her great-uncle had donated two buildings and a playing field,
с her father studied at Yale.

6.The letter from Yale told Blair

a that she had no chance to get into the university,

b that she had a small chance to get into the university,

с that she shouldn’t apply to Yale.

7.According to the test the word “safety” in paragraph 5 probably means

a a place where there is no danger.

b something that Blair had been saving for a long time,

с a place Blair was sure to get in.

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Английский язык | 118 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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Правильный ответ

1. a  - Serena got 5 letters form the Universities, and when Blair asked her what Uniersity had accepted her,  her answer was "  I got a place.......um....... everywhere"

2. b - the only place that had eccepted Blair was Georgetown.

3. b - Blair was in the top of her class at school.

4. a - practically her whole life, Blair had been working toward entering Yale.

5. a - Serena didn't do anything special to enter Yale, her farther didn't go to that university, her relatives didn't donate anything to Yale, so the only reason Serena was eccepted to Yale was her not bad school results.

6. b - Yale put Blair on their wait list.

7. c - Blair had a backup, the place she could enter instead of Yale, Georgetow.



1.На кровати между двумя девочками лежали письма лицом вниз так, чтобы они не могли увидеть обратные адреса.  Блер получила 7 писем, а Серена 5.  " Ну что, готова?" - спросила Серена.

Блер закрыла глаза и взяла первое письмо. " Хорошо, давай сделаем это".

2.Блер посмотрела на Серену. " Ну что у тебя?" - спросила она.

Взглянув на испуганое лицо Блер Серена поняла, что новости не очень хорошие.  Серена не знала, что сказать " Ну, меня приняли..мммм....везде".  Блер уставилась на письма в руках Серены.  Самым верхним было письмо кремового цвета с голубой эмблемой Ельского Университета.  " Подожди, ты подавала заявление в Ель?" - спросила Блер.

"Да" - кивнула Серена : " В последнюю минуту я решила, почему бы и нет"

" И тебя приняли?" Серена кивнула снова: " Прости".

3. То, как Блер смотрела на Серену, заставило ее занервничать.  Что было у Серены, чего не было у нее? Она была лучшей в своем классе в школе, посещала все курсы АР, которые ей предлагали. Она была лучшей в школьном оценочном тесте. Она занималась благотворительностью. Она была лидером французского клуба.  Она была прекрасным игроком в теннис. Вся ее школьная каръера, практически вся ее жизнь, были направлены на то, чтобы поступить в Ель. Ее отец учился там. Отец ее отца учился там. Ее дядя пожертвовал деньги на 2 здания и игровое поле. Серена не посещала никаких курсов, и почти не занималасть внеклассной работой.  Отец Серены учился в Принстоне и Брауне, самыми большими конкурентами Еля. Однако Ель принял Серену, а Блер включил в список ожидания.

4. " Скорее всего я даже не поеду туда", Серена попыталась придать этому событию как можно меньше значимости. "Мне нужно, ну ты знаешь, посетить все школы перед окончательным решением" - она собрала свои светлые волосы на макушке. " Может быть я даже сразу и не пойду в колледж, я могу остаться  в городе и занятться чем нибудь".

5. Серену приняли в Ель, а она даже не хочет по настоящему учиться там. Серена собрала все свои письма и спрятала их за спину.

"  А что на счет других школ? У тебя наверняка есть-"

" Меня внесли в список ожидания в Ель. Единственное место, куда я могу поехать учиться - это Джорджтаун. Дурацкий Джорджтаун. Это был мой запасной вариант."

Серена смотрела на Блер с удивлением в глазах." Ну не так все плохо",- сказала Серена." Я уверена, что в Ель очень трудно поступить и если ты не поступишь, то у тебя есть запасной план".



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