Как читается по русски? Не перевод, а как читается!!!!? Lomonosov was born in a fisherman's family in the villageof Denisovkanear Kholmogory. At early age he learned to read and write. When he was 19 Lomonosov went on foot to Moscow where he entered the Slavonic-Greek-Latin Academy. He was a brilliant pupil and in 1736 he was sent abroad to study chemistry and metallurgy. He studied philosophy, physics, mathematics and foreign languages. In 1742 he returned to St . Peterburg. Four years later he was elected a member of the Academy. Lomonosov made many important discoveries in different fields of science:physics. M.V Lomonosov was a talented artist. He created stained glass pictures. He is widely known and honored in our country. Moscow University was named after its founder and monuments to him have been erected in Moscow. In 1957 the name of Lomonosov was given to the Arkhangelsk State Pedagogical Institute.