Помогите с артиклями, пожалуйста!!! ….. archaeologist discovered …. large tomb from …....

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96 просмотров

Помогите с артиклями, пожалуйста!!!
….. archaeologist discovered …. large tomb from …. sixth century A. D. in …. Somerest. It is … tomb of …. important person, probably ….. king. All …. archaeologists ask …. same question.
Is this … tomb of … King Arthur? They have not opened …. tomb yet. They have to work slowly, and it may be …. month before …. archaeologists know … answer.
Charles Dickens, one of greatest and … most popular novelists, was born on … 7th of …. February, 1812 in … small English town. He read … lot of book in childhood. At … age of … six someone took him to ….. theatre for …. first time. He saw … play by Shakespeare. …. play impressed him and he decided to write … play of his own.
Theodor Dreiser, … great American writer, was born on … 27th … of …. August 1871 in … small town of … America.
Gustave Flaubert was born in … Rouen, where his … father was … chief surgeon at …. hospital, on …. 12th of … December 1821.
London is … capital of …. Great Britain. It is situated on …. river Thames. It is … largest city in …. Europe and … one of … largest cities in …. world. …. London is also … very big port.

Английский язык (48 баллов) | 96 просмотров
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An archaeologist discovered a large tomb from the sixth century A. D. in Somerest. It is a tomb of an important person, probably a king. All the archaeologists ask the same question.
Is this a tomb of King Arthur? They have not opened the tomb yet. They have to work slowly, and it may be a month before the archaeologists know the answer.
Charles Dickens, one of greatest and the most popular novelists, was born on the 7th of  February, 1812 in a small English town. He read a lot of book in childhood. At the age of  six someone took him to the theatre for the first time. He saw a play by Shakespeare. The play impressed him and he decided to write a play of his own. 
Theodor Dreiser, a great American writer, was born on the 27th of  August 1871 in a small town of  America.
Gustave Flaubert was born in  Rouen, where his father was a chief surgeon at  the hospital, on the 12th of December 1821.
London is a capital of  Great Britain. It is situated on the river Thames. It is the largest city in Europe and  one of the largest cities in the world. London is also a very big port.
(21.9k баллов)