Используя слова и словосочетания, данные в скобках, образуйте альтернативные вопросы:
1. Our teacher knows two foreign languages. (the students of our group)
2. On the 25th of March I visited my friend. (on the 1st of April)
3. We are going to write a dictation. (a poem)
4. Their flat is on the second floor of a new house. (of an old house)
5. I will go to Moscow to see my parents. (to London)
6. There are many flowers near our Institute. (bushes)
7. I spoke to Jim about the plan yesterday. (to Ann)
8. Tom has just repaired his bike. (his car)
9. Helen will have finished her composition by five. (by nine)
10. Last summer we lived in the country. (in town)
11. I have never been to Greece. (to Egypt)
12. These books are too difficult for me. (easy)
13. All children like skating. (tobogganing)
14. In his childhood he lived in Rostov. (Paris)
15. Columbus discovered America 500 years ago. (Africa)