У неопределенного артикля есть 2 формы. "A" и "AN". "An" употребляется, если слово после него начинается с гласного звука.
1. The rent is 150 dollars in a month.
2. I like to be in the centre of everything.
3. At this night I had a terrible headache after I had drunk a lot of wine in the evening.
4. We often go to the theatre and to the cinema.
5. She usually goes shopping on Thursdays, but last Thursday she didn’t do shopping.
6. The advice you gave me helped a lot.
7. They went to bed at 11 o’clock.
8. Do you usually go by train or by car there?
9. Mr. John is the last person I’d like to meet.
10. The sun is shining!
11. What a great progress!
12. I don’t want to go to ...game with your friend. It is very boring!