Пожалуйста помогите очень надо!!!Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the...

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130 просмотров

Пожалуйста помогите очень надо!!!
Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous.Sam: Who 1)… (be) that on the phone, Ann?Ann: George. I 2)…... (think) about him when he 3)… (call), actually. What a coincidence!Sam: It is! 4)… (I/tell) you what 5)… (happen) to me and my mum when we 6)… (shop) in London a few years ago?Ann: No, what?Sam: Well, we 7)… (look) around an old second-hand bookshop when my mum 8)…(come) across one of her favorite childhood books. She 9)… (show) it to me and when she 10)…open) it, it 11)… (have) her name written inside!Ann:Wow, so it 12)(be) her very own book! I bet you 13)… (not/expect) that!Sam:No, I didn't!

Английский язык (17 баллов) | 130 просмотров
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1 was
2 I was thinking
3 called
4 Did I tell
5 happened 
6 were shopping
7 were looking
8 came
9 showed
10 opened
11 had
12 was
13 did not expect

(2.3k баллов)

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