ПОМОГИТЕ ПООЖАЛУЙСТА TASK 3 USE OF ENGLISH (30 points) Time: 20 minutes 1. Fill in the...

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539 просмотров


TASK 3 USE OF ENGLISH (30 points)
Time: 20 minutes
1. Fill in the gaps, using a suitable word from a box. Use each word only once. “0” is the example for you.. In the box there is a superfluous word which does not need to be used. (6 points)

Valentine’s Day
There are different (0) stories about St. Valentine. One story says that Valentine was a roman
(1) ___________ who lived about 1800 years ago. At that time Roman (2) ____________ were not allowed to marry. Valentine disobeyed the law and secretly married young (3) __________. Valentine was then sent to prison. He died in (4) __________ on February 14 in 270 AD. The soldiers took him and buried him at a (5) ___________ in Rome. If you go to Rome, you can see where he is buried. Valentine’s Day is a day when people give Valentine cards, (6) ___________ and flowers to people they love.

Английский язык (22 баллов) | 539 просмотров

а где слова, которые надо выбрать?


church men priest prison couples stories gifts soldiers

Дан 1 ответ
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1 priest
2 couples
3 men
4 prison
5 church
6 gifts

думаю, что так

(620 баллов)