Раскройте скобки, вписав глаголы по смыслу в форме Past Simple. Глаголы для выбора:...

0 голосов
30 просмотров

Раскройте скобки, вписав глаголы по смыслу в форме Past Simple.
Глаголы для выбора: clean, die, enjoy, finish, happen, open, rain, start, want, may, cry, open, live, think. Не все глаголы должны быть использованы, некоторые лишние.

1) I____my teeth four times yesterday
2) It was hot in the kitchen, so l____ the window
3) The concert______at 7:30 and ______at 9 o'clock
4) When i was a child, i ______ to be a surgeon
5) The accident ______ last Monday afternoon
6)It's a nice day to day but yesterday it ______ all day
7) We _____ our holiday last year. We _____ all day
8) Ann's grandfather _______ when he was 87 years old

Английский язык (23 баллов) | 30 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
0 голосов

1. I cleaned my teeth four times yesterday.
2. It was hot in the kitchen, so I opened the window.
3. The concert started at 7:30 and finished at 9 o'clock.
4. When I was a child, I wanted to be a surgeon.
5. The accident happened last Monday afternoon.
6. It's a nice day today but yesterday it rained all day.
7. We enjoyed our holiday last year. We lived all day.
8. Ann's grandfather died when he was 87 years old.

(422 баллов)
0 голосов

1 Cleaned
2 Opened
3 Started Finished
6 Rained
8 Died
Все в чем я уверена

(489 баллов)