Помогите поставить слова в скобках в правильную форму. The most romantic story know is...

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87 просмотров

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The most romantic story know is the way my grandparents ... 1(meet). They...2 (travel) from London to Newcastle by train, and in those days it. ..3(be) a long journey, so after a while they...4 (start) talking. They soon. ..5(discover) that they. ..6 (have) a lot in common. Both of them. ..7 (be) from Newcastle, but both of them. ..8 (train) to be journalists in London, and both of them...9 (go) home to see their families for Christmas.
The weather was terrible; apparently it...10 (snow) really badly all the way to Newcastle. At one point, the train. ..11 (stop) for quite a long time, but it obviously. ..12 (not be) a problem, because somehow during the journey, they...13 (fall) in love and . ..14 (decide) to get married. By the time they. ..15(reach) Newcastle, the were engaged. The wedding...16 (take) place a few weeks later, and amazingly they are still happily married 50 years later.

Английский язык (12 баллов) | 87 просмотров
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Met, travelled, was, started, discovered, have, were, trained, went, was snowing, stopped, wasn't, fell, decided, reached, took

(3.6k баллов)