1. Who … … this letter? – The secretary … . 1) has sent, has 2) have sent, has 3) have...

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97 просмотров

1. Who … … this letter? – The secretary … .
1) has sent, has
2) have sent, has
3) have sent, have
4) has sent, have
2. The Director ... … … meeting by the time you get there.
1) will has finished
2) will have finished
3) would has finished
4) would have finished
3. … … … the work yet?
1) Has you done
2) You have done
3) To have you done
4) Have you done
4. The company … … from this site for five years but now it wants to change the location.
1) has operated
2) to have operated
3) has been operated
4) have operated
5. When they installed the new software, it … … … obsolete.
1) had already become
2) have yet become
3) have already become
4) has yet become

Английский язык (116 баллов) | 97 просмотров
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1. - 1) has sent, has;
2. - 2) will have finished;
3. - 4) Have you done;
4. - 4) has operated;
5. - 4) had already become.

(6.9k баллов)