Задание №2. Поставить слово в скобках в нужную степень сравнения: 1. The Nile is … (long)...

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78 просмотров

Задание №2. Поставить слово в скобках в нужную степень сравнения:
1. The Nile is … (long) river in the world.
2. It’s … (bad) day in my life!
3. This task is … (easy) than you think.
4. I’m … (tall) than you.
5. Pete is … (diligent) than Jim.
6. The wheel is still … (useful) invention of humanity.

Задание №3. Вставьте в пропуски глагол to be в нужной форме (am/is/are):
1. Who is that man? … he your friend?
2. Fred … a good student.
3. Dolphins … intelligent animals.
4. You … so beautiful today!
5. I … proud of you, son!

Задание №4. Раскройте скобки, поставьте глагол в нужное время (Present Simple или Present Continuous):
1. William always … (to do) his homework.
2. Why … he always … (to stare) at me in such a weird manner?
3. He … (to work) at a little bookshop.
4. I … (to work) on my novel now, but I’ll finish it soon.
5. … Mary … (to like) black coffee?
6. What book … you … (to read) now? Let me see the cover.

Задание №5. Раскройте скобки, поставьте глагол в нужное время (Past Simple или Present Perfect):
1. I can’t find Jack. … you … (to see) him?
2. He went out and I … (to close) the door.
3. I … just … (to clean) the floor. Don’t step here with your dirty boots!
4. Oh, no! I … (to break) my Mom’s favorite vase! She’ll be mad at me!
5. Peter finished playing and the audience … (to applaud).
6. This accident … (to happen) in 1993.

Задание №6. Раскройте скобки, поставьте глагол в нужное время (Past Simple или Past Continuous):
1. When I came into my room he … (to sit) at my table.
2. Sorry I switched off the TV. I didn't know you … (to watch).
3. I managed to go to the nearby shop while she … (to put) mascara on her lashes.
4. He … (to tell) us he was hungry.
5. Dostoevsky … (to write) a lot of novels.
6. Mary … (to finish) her work and went out.

Задание №7. Раскройте скобки, поставьте глагол в нужное время (Past Simple или Past Perfect):
1. Bob showed Mary the poem he … (to compose) two days earlier.
2. He switched off the light and … (to go) out of the room.
3. We were late. When we came to the station, the train … already … (to go).
4. After I read the book I … (to give) it to Mark.
5. They established a monument in the city where the hardest battle … (to take) place.
6. The artist … (to eat) his breakfast and continued painting.

Задание №8. Раскройте скобки, поставьте глагол в нужное время (Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect):
1. Sam … (to finish) his work by nine o’clock tomorrow.
2. Tom ... (to return) home early this evening – he promised me.
3. Holidays are coming! In a week I … (to sit) on a beach doing nothing!
4. It … (to be) my birthday this weekend. Will you come?
5. By the time you come I … already … (to be) asleep. Don't wake me!
6. Don't even try to direct me! I … (to do) what I want!

Английский язык (17 баллов) | 78 просмотров
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1. The Nile is the longest river in the world.
2. It’s the worst day in my life!
3. This task is easier than you think. 
4. I’m taller than you. 
5. Pete is more diligent than Jim.
6. The wheel is still more useful invention of humanity. 

Задание №3. Вставьте в пропуски глагол to be в нужной форме (am/is/are):
1. Who is that man? Is he your friend?
2. Fred is a good student.
3. Dolphins are intelligent animals.
4. You are so beautiful today! 
5. I am proud of you, son!

Задание №4. Раскройте скобки, поставьте глагол в нужное время (Present Simple или Present Continuous):
1. William always does his homework.
2. Why does he always stare at me in such a weird manner?
3. He  works at a little bookshop.
4. I am working on my novel now, but I’ll finish it soon.
5. Does Mary like black coffee?
6. What book are you reading now? Let me see the cover.

Задание №5. Раскройте скобки, поставьте глагол в нужное время (Past Simple или Present Perfect):
1. I can’t find Jack.Did you see him?
2. He went out and I have closed the door.
3. I have just  cleaned the floor. Don’t step here with your dirty boots!
4. Oh, no! I have broken my Mom’s favorite vase! She’ll be mad at me!
5. Peter finished playing and the audience  applauded.
6. This accident has happened in 1993.

Задание №6. Раскройте скобки, поставьте глагол в нужное время (Past Simple или Past Continuous):
1. When I came into my room he was sitting at my table.
2. Sorry I switched off the TV. I didn't know you watch.
3. I managed to go to the nearby shop while she was putting mascara on her lashes.
4. He told us he was hungry.
5. Dostoevsky  wrote a lot of novels.
6. Mary finished her work and went out.

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