КАК ЧИТАЕТСЯ ПО РУССКИ???НЕ ПЕРЕВОД А ЧИТАЕТСЯ! !??Lomonosov was born in a fisherman's family in the village Denisovka near Kholmogory. At an early age he learned to write. When he was nineteen, Lomonosov went on foot to Moscow where he entered the Slavic-Greek-Academy. He was a brilliant student and in the year one thousand seven hundred and thirty-sixth year he was kemandirian abroad to study chemistry and metallurgy.He studied philosophy, physics, mathematics and foreign languages. Lomonosov was always an artist. It is widely known and respected in our country. Moscow University was named after its founder and monuments to him have been installed in Moscow. In nineteen Pasat seventh year the name of Lomonosov was given to the Arkhangelsk state pedagogicheskii Institute.