Помогите пожалуйста.. III. Put in prepositions where necessary. ...recent years there...

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71 просмотров

Помогите пожалуйста..
III. Put in prepositions where necessary.
...recent years there has been increasing interest ... global warming and there is no doubt that Man’s activities are partly responsible... it. We can’t afford to ignore a warning ... its possible effect ... the climate. Forecasts ... a warmer wetter world suggest, for instance, that the sea will have risen by as much as five metres ... 2050. ... that case large areas of London and many other coastal towns would be ... water.

Английский язык (15 баллов) | 71 просмотров
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In recent years there has been increasing interest in global warming, and there is no doubt that man's activities are partly responsible for it. We can't afford to ignore a  warning of its possible effect on the climate. Forecasts of a warmer, wetter world suggest, for instance, that the sea will have risen by as much as five metres by 2050. In that case, large areas of London and many other coastal towns would be under water.
(414 баллов)