Why is the rainrainforest important? Let's answer this
question. The first timber is important, because in order that they produce
pure oxygen. The air is pure and breathing is light. And people will die without
oxygen and all life on Earth. More rainrainforests called "jewels of the
Earth" as a large number of natural health resources found here. Rainforest
selflessly serves man. In the rainforests full of resources that people use for
themselves. In tropical rain rainforests live two thirds of all plant and
animal species of the planet. It is assumed that hundreds of millions of
species of animals and plants yet still not open. Unless rainforests, they will
not be at home. Tropical act as a regulator of temperature and weather changes.
Tropical maintain global supply of drinking water. Also, tropics supply people
food. Nuts, berries and more growing in the woods. That is why rainforests are
so important, and we must protect them.