Помогите перевести текст ** английский. Однажды мы с друзьями пошли ** рыбалку. Начался...

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42 просмотров

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Однажды мы с друзьями пошли на рыбалку. Начался ужасный шторм и море несло нас много километров. Мы проснулись на каком-то побережье. Мы долго пытались выбраться с острова, но корабли не останавливались возле него. Мы хорошо организовали свою жизнь : у каждого из нас были свои обязанности. Мы питались птицами, фруктами, яйцами и рыбой. Но однажды мы заметили корабль и поплыли к нему. Нас забрали с острова и помогли вернутся домой.

Английский язык (22 баллов) | 42 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
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One day my friends and I went fishing. It began a terrible storm and the sea carried us many kilometers. We woke up at some coast. We have long tried to get off the island, but the ship did not stop next to him. We are well organized life: each of us had his own responsibilities. We fed the birds, fruit, eggs and fish. But once we saw the ship and swam to him. We were taken to the island and helped to return home.

(26 баллов)

One day my friends and I went fishing. It began a terrible storm and the sea carried us many kilometers. We woke up at some coast. We have long tried to get off the island, but the ship did not stop next to him. We are well organized life: each of us had his own responsibilities. We fed the birds, fruit, eggs and fish. But once we saw the ship and swam to him. We were taken to the island and helped to return home.


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We went fishing with friends once. A terrible storm started and the sea carried us for many kilometers. We woke up on some coast. We were trying to get off the island for a long time, but ships weren't stopping near it. We organized our life well: everybody had their own duties. We ate bird, fruits, eggs and fish. But once we saw a ship and swam to it. We were taken from the island and helped to get back home.

(174 баллов)