Вставьте артикли a/the, где необходимо: 1. ... armchair is ... piece of ...furniture.2....

0 голосов
86 просмотров

Вставьте артикли a/the, где необходимо: 1. ... armchair is ... piece of ...furniture.2. Where did you have ... coat made? 3. ... light was coming into the cellar from somewhere. 4. They sat down to ... supper. They decided upon ... light supper. ... supper was fish and chips. 5. I was very thirsty, so I took ... secong cup of tea. 6. He wanted to watch the news programme on ... television, so he tutned on ... TV set. 7. Peter is ... honest man, and his parents are considered to be ... nice people.

Английский язык (21 баллов) | 86 просмотров
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1. an, a
2. the
3. the
4. a, a, the
5. the
6. -, the
7. an, -

(64.3k баллов)