ПОМОГИТЕ ПЕРЕВЕСТИ ТЕКСТ ** АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК!!! Ледовое побоище состоялось 5-ого апреля...

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Ледовое побоище состоялось 5-ого апреля 1242 года. Противником русского воинства были рыцари ливонского ордена. Немцы рассчитывали легко справиться с русскими,но Александр их перехитрил.наступавшие встретили на дальнейшем пути немало препятствий. Немцы давили русских, упёрлись в берег, и незаметно втянулись на Чудское озеро. русская конница окружила немцев в кольцо. они оказались в западне. Пытаясь спасти бегством, многие стали тонуть. Весенний тонкий лёд не мог выдержать тяжеловооружённых немцев.эта битва на Чудском является уникальной. Впервые в истории пешее войско смогло одержать победу над тяжеловооруженной конницей. важную роль сыграли погодные условия, рельеф местности, и внезапность. Благодаря победе Александра Невского была устранена угроза захвата северо- западных русских территорий Орденом.

Английский язык (352 баллов) | 62 просмотров

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Battle on the Ice was held on 5 th April 1242. The opponent of the Russian army were the knights of the Livonian Order. The Germans hoped to easily cope with the Russian, but Alexander perehitril.nastupavshie they met on the future path of many obstacles. The Germans pressed Russian, rested in the bank, and imperceptibly sucked on Lake Chud. Russian cavalry surrounded the Germans in the ring. They were trapped. Trying to escape, many began to sink. Spring thin ice could not stand the heavily armed battle nemtsev.eta Peipsi is unique. For the first time in the history of foot soldiers could defeat the heavily armed cavalry. the important role played by the weather, terrain, and surprise. Thanks to the victory of Alexander Nevsky was eliminated the threat of seizure of the northwestern Russian territories Order.

(44 баллов)
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The battle of the ice on 5 April 1242. The enemy of the Russian army were the knights of the Livonian order. The Germans expected to easily cope with the Russians,but Alexander had outwitted them.the advancing troops met on the future path of many obstacles. The Germans crushed the Russians, they reached the coast, and quietly sucked on lake Peipsi. Russian cavalry surrounded the Germans in the ring. they were trapped. Trying to save by flight, many began to sink. Spring thin ice could not withstand the heavily armed Germans.this battle on Chudskoe is unique. For the first time in the history of foot troops were able to defeat heavily armoured cavalry. an important role was played by weather conditions, terrain, and surprise. Thanks to the victory of Alexander Nevsky was eliminated the threat of the seizure of North - Western Russian territories with the Order.

(44 баллов)