Здравствуйте, очень прошу переведите текст ** английский, буду очень благодарна! 1 – Ты...

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55 просмотров

Здравствуйте, очень прошу переведите текст на английский, буду очень благодарна!

1 – Ты пропустила две лекции. Что случилось? – Моя мама заболела, и я должна была ухаживать за ней. – Ей сейчас лучше? – Да, спасибо. Она чувствует себя намного лучше.
2 – Почему ты не убрала квартиру? – Я убрала. Я вытерла пыль и пропылесосила ковры. Но я еще не помыла пол. Я сделаю это сейчас.
3 – Ты видела Боба сегодня? – Нет еще. Он уже сдал экзамены? – Он уже сдал английский, а завтра сдает русский. – Если увидишь его, скажи, пусть мне позвонит.
4 – Я не видела тебя с лета. Ты очень похудела. – Я была на диете два месяца. Я не ела ничего, кроме фруктов и овощей, а пила только соки и молоко.
5 – Вы смотрели этот спектакль? – Нет еще. Я был очень занят последнее время. А ты смотрела его? – Да, я его видела на прошлой неделе. – Он тебе понравился? – Да, я получила большое удовольствие.

Английский язык (14 баллов) | 55 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
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1.You missed two lectures. What happened? – My mom got sick and I had to care for her. – She's better now? Yes, thank you. She feels much better.
2 – Why didn't you clean the apartment? – I was removed. I wiped the dust and vacuumed the carpets. But I haven't washed the floor. I'll do it now. 3 have You seen Bob today? – Not yet. He already passed the exams? He's already passed the English and Russian deals tomorrow. – If you see him, tell him to call me. 4 – I haven't seen you since the summer. You lost a lot of weight. – I was on a diet for two months. I didn't eat anything except fruits and vegetables, and drinking only juice and milk. 5 – You watched this show? – Not yet. I've been very busy lately. And you watched it? – Yes, I saw him last week. – You liked it? Yeah, I got a lot of fun.

(246 баллов)
0 голосов

1 – You missed two lectures. What happened? – My mom got sick and I had to care for her. – She's better now? Yes, thank you. She feels much better. 2 – Why didn't you clean the apartment? – I was removed. I wiped the dust and vacuumed the carpets. But I haven't washed the floor. I'll do it now. 3 have You seen Bob today? – Not yet. He already passed the exams? He's already passed the English and Russian deals tomorrow. – If you see him, tell him to call me. 4 – I haven't seen you since the summer. You lost a lot of weight. – I was on a diet for two months. I didn't eat anything except fruits and vegetables, and drinking only juice and milk. 5 – You watched this show? – Not yet. I've been very busy lately. And you watched it? – Yes, I saw him last week. – You liked it? Yeah, I got a lot of fun.

(65 баллов)



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