Studyingbiographies of famous peoplesometimescome acrossinterestingfacts about theirlife.So,VasilyNikitichTatishchev(1686-1750), authorof the famous "History of Russia",knew the timeof his death.Two days beforehis death, he called thepriestconfessed andprepared himself foreternity.He diedshortlyafterreadingthe Gospel.
Iwas not the firsttime I readand hearstoriesabout whatreligious peoplefeel the approach ofhis death.For example, onemantold me abouthis grandmother,deeply religiouswoman whosaidallher household,she would soongo awayto another world,shealready hearchoirs of angels, butshe was completelysane(peopleclose to deaththere arehallucinations,cloudingjudgment,they confusereality withdelusion,I sawit -an eerie sight.)Andone day, shegot upas usualin the morning,cleaned upthe house,swept the yard, lay downon the bed,folded herhands,closed her eyes,and with aserenefacesteppedinto eternity.Here's a story...