Переведите предложения ** английский язык. 1.К 7 часам утра они уже позавтракали. 2. Кейт...

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Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1.К 7 часам утра они уже позавтракали. 2. Кейт позвонила на вокзал и узнала, что поезд уже ушел. 3. К концу месяца моя подруга рассказала всем о нашем секрете. 4. Майк сказал, что уже видел этот фильм. 5. Мы не знали, что они уехали за город.6. После того, как наш сосед потерял работу, он очень изменился.7. Ты закончил свою работу к 2 часам? 8. Генри сказал, что они уже пообедали. 9. К лету мы научились хорошо плавать. 10. Когда дети проснулись, мама уже приготовила завтрак. 11. Мой друг был очень бледен. Я понял, что с ним что-тослучилось. 12. Когда Лена ушла, я вспомнила, что забыла вернуть ей журнал. 13. К 1 сентября мои братья уже вернулись в город. 14. Я не получил письмо, которое ты написал мне. 15. Когда они пришли, заседание уже началось. 16. К понедельнику мы закончили перевод этого рассказа.

Английский язык (34 баллов) | 33 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
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1.At 7 am they already had Breakfast. 2. Kate called the station and learned that the train had already left. 3. By the end of the month my friend told everyone about our secret. 4. Mike said he already saw the movie. 5. We didn't know that they left for the city.6. After our neighbor lost his job, he has changed a lot.7. Have you finished your work by 2 o'clock? 8. Henry said they already had lunch. 9. By the summer we learned to swim well. 10. When the children woke up, mom made Breakfast. 11. My friend was very pale. I realized that with him something is wrong. 12. When Lena left, I remembered that I forgot to return her journal. 13. By September 1 my brothers have already returned to the city. 14. I have not received the letter you wrote me. 15. When they arrived, the meeting had already started. 16. By Monday we had finished the translation of the story.
(23 баллов)
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1. 7 o'clock in the morning they had breakfast. 2. Kate phoned the station and learned that the train has already left. 3. By the end of the month a friend of mine told all our secret 4. Mike said he had already seen the film. 5. We did not know that they have left for the city 6. After our neighbor lost his job, he has changed a lot. Have you finished your work 2 hours? 8.Henry said that they had already had lunch. 9. By the summer we learned to ,шswim well. 10 When the children woke up, Mom had cooked breakfast. 11. My friend was very pale. I realized that with it what had happened. 12. When Lena was gone, I remembered that I forgot to return it to the magazine. 13 By September 1, my brothers have returned to the city. 14. I have not received the letter which you wrote to me. 15. When they came, the meeting had already begun. 16. By Monday, we finished the translation of the story.

(60 баллов)