Привет, мне нужна помощь с домашней работой. Мое домашнее задание во вложениях. Там текст...

0 голосов
30 просмотров

Привет, мне нужна помощь с домашней работой. Мое домашнее задание во вложениях. Там текст и задания по тексту. Текст переведите для себя, помогите с заданиями, пожалуйста! Заранее спасибо! :)


Английский язык (252 баллов) | 30 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
0 голосов

Yes wolf want to drink water
Now old was not angry
Yes'm ale the water dirty
No, sheet
Yes, brave

(169 баллов)
0 голосов

32   1 - No, he didn't

          2- yes, he was.

          3- No, it didn't

          4- No, it didn't

         5- yes, it was


33     1- The wolf didn't drink the dirty water.

          2- The sheep didn't make the water dirty.

           3- The wolfe didn't meet the sheep before.

          4- The sheep didn't come to the river a year ago.


34     1.  Who did the wolf see? - The wolf saw a sheep.

          2. Where ......? - The wolf saw the sheep by a small river.

          3.  Why..........? -   Because they wanted to drink.

          4. What ....? - The wolf said that the sheep made the water dirty.

          5. What .......? - The sheep aswered that it ddn't make the water dirty.

           6. How old.....? - The sheep was 4 moths old.

           7.  Why ....? - When the wolf jumpedon the sheep , the sheep ran away and the wolf fell into the water.

(5.7k баллов)