Hello! First,let me introduce myself. I'm (name). I'm (age) and I consider that it's time to think about my future, ecpecialle about my career. But for me, it's a very difficult question, because I don't know how to chooce it: with the help of parent or not?
From the one hand, parents have much experience and they know more about life than you. They also see your mistakes and they'll tell tou about it. They also know your advantages and disadvantages.
But from the second hand, parents' point of view and mine aren't the same. They expect from me much more than everything what I can. It will make me feeling stupid and angry. It's like a begining of stresses.o sum up, I can say my view of solving this problem. Well, I should listen to my parents, because they realy see what I'm good at. It'll be difficult, but I'll listen to them.
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