Помогите!!! Первый ответ сделаю лучшим!!!I remember when I1) went (go) on holiday abroad...

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Помогите!!! Первый ответ сделаю лучшим!!!
I remember when I1) went (go) on holiday abroad for the first time. I 2) … (just/leave) school. I 3) … (study) very hard for my final exams and I 4) … (feel) that I needed to get away. A friend of mine 5) … (want) to go away as well so we 6) … (decide) to look some brochures at a travel agent's. We 7) … (search) for about an hour when my friend 8) … (find) the perfect holiday - two weeks in Cuba. We 9) … (be) very excited about it.Finally the day of our holiday 10) … (arrive). We 11) … (just/leave) the house when the phone 12) … (ring). I 13) … (run) back into the house, but the phone 14) … (stop) by the time I 15) … (reach) it.When we 16) … (get) at the airport, we 17)...(check) in and18) ...(go) to the cafeteria. While we were having our coffee, the airline 19) … (make) an announcement. Our flight was delayed for eight hours. It was then that I 20)...(realise) what the phone call was about.

Английский язык (2.0k баллов) | 236 просмотров



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Так, кароч я в загуглил, правила прочел, вроде всё ок. Но лучше подожди, перепроверь, и спроси у других я в ответ пока кидать не буду, вот кину в комменты


2) leave 3)studied 4) felt 5)wanted 6)decided 7) searched 8) found 9)Was 10)arrived 11)just 12) rang 13)ran 14) stoped 15) reached 16)got 17)checked 18) went 19) made 20) realised


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Я просто сам в 7-м классе, но информацию воспринимаю хорошо, но сейас у меня 3:13 ночи, мозг немножко отклюился, так что так вот


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I remember when I 1) went (go) on holiday abroad for the first time. 
I 2) had just left (just/leave) school. 
I 3) studied (study) very hard for my final exams and I 4) felt (feel) that I needed to get away. 
A friend of mine 5) wanted (want) to go away as well so we 6) decided (decide) to look some brochures at a travel agent's. 
We 7) had searched/had been searching (search) for about an hour when my friend 8) found (find) the perfect holiday - two weeks in Cuba. 
We 9) were (be) very excited about it. 
Finally the day of our holiday 10) arrived (arrive). 
We 11) had just left (just/leave) the house when the phone 12) rang (ring). 
I 13) ran (run) back into the house, but the phone 14) had stopped (stop) by the time I 15) reached (reach) it.
When we 16) got (get) at the airport, we 17) checked (check) in and18) went (go) to the cafeteria. 
While we were having our coffee, the airline 19) made (make) an announcement. 
Our flight was delayed for eight hours. It was then that I 20) realised (realise) what the phone call was about.

(196k баллов)