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St. Basil's Cathedral
-Orthodox church,located on the RedSquare in Moscow.A well-knownexample of Russianarhitektury.Pokrovskycathedral was builtin 1555-1561by orderof Ivan the Terribleto commemoratethe capture of Kazanand the victoryover the KazanKhanate.According to legend, the architectof the cathedral wereblinded tothe order of Ivanthe Terrible,so they can notbuildmorelikea temple.The heightof the templeis 65meters.Domesonly 11.Tendomesover the temple.Cathedral- oneof the most famousin Russia.Formany it is asymbol of Moscow, the RussianFederation.Front of the cathedralin 1931placeda bronzemonumentto Mininand Pozharsky

Английский язык (43 баллов) | 70 просмотров
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St. Basil's Cathedral - it's an Orthodox church, located on the Red Square in Moscow. It's a well-known example of Russian architecture. Pokrovsky cathedral was built in 1555-1561 by the order of Ivan the Terrible to commemorate the capture of Kazan and the victory over the Kazan Khanate. According to the legend, the architect of the cathedral was blinded by the order of Ivan the Terrible, that he couldn't build any other temples like this one. The height of the temple is 65 meters. Domes only 11. Ten domes over the temple. (WTF? Расшифруйте, будьте добры) This cathedral is one of the most famous in Russia. For many people it is a symbol of Moscow, the capital of Russian Federation. In 1931 in the front of the cathedral it was placed a bronze monument to Minin and Pozharsky.

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