ПЕРЕВЕДИТЕ!!!!! ПЛИЗ!!! Жили-были ** свете четверо ребят, их звали Питер, Сьюзен, Эдмунд...

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83 просмотров


Жили-были на свете четверо ребят, их звали Питер, Сьюзен,
Эдмунд и Люси. В этой книжке рассказывается о том, что приключилось
с ними во время войны, когда их вывезли из Лондона, чтобы они не
пострадали из-за воздушных налетов. Их отправили к старику
профессору, который жил в самом центре Англии,в десяти милях от бли-
жайшей почты. У него никогда не было жены, и он жил в очень большом
доме с экономкой и тремя служанками - Айви, Маргарет и Бетти (но они
почти совсем не принимали участия в нашей истории). Профессор был
старый-престарый, с взлохмаченными седыми волосами и взлохмаченной
седой бородой почти до самых глаз. Вскоре ребята его полюбили, но в
первый вечер, когда он вышел им навстречу к парадным дверям, он
показался им очень чудным. Люси (самая младшая) даже немного его
испугалась, а Эдмунд (следующий за Люси по возрасту) с трудом
удержался от смеха - ему пришлось сделать вид, что он сморкается.

Английский язык (283 баллов) | 83 просмотров

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Дано ответов: 2
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Правильный ответ

Once upon a time there were 4 guys, their names are Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy.  In this book we can see what happend to them. when they were removed from London to be in safe from air raids. They were sent to an old professor, which had lived in the centre of England, in 10 miles from the nearest post office.  He had never had a wife, he lived in a large house with a housekeeper and 3 servants - Aiv, Margaret and Betti ( but they almost had not  took part in our story). The professor was very old with tousled grey hair and dishevelled grey beard almost to his eyes.  Very soon guys loved him, but in the first evening, when he had met them near the front door, guys considered him to be strange. Lucy (the yongest one) was even a bit scared. For Edmund ( second by the age) was difficult not to laugh - he had to pretend that he was blowing his nose 

(2.4k баллов)
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There were in the world four children, their names were Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy. This book describes what happened with them during the war when they were evacuated from London, so they do not have suffered from air raids. They were sent to the old man the Professor, who lived in the heart of England,ten miles from the nearest- next mail. He never had a wife, and he lived in a very large house with a housekeeper and three servants - ivy, Margaret and Betty (but they almost did not participate in our history). The Professor was an old, old, with disheveled gray hair and disheveled grey beard almost to the eyes. Soon the guys loved it, but in the first night he went out to meet them by the front door, he they seemed very wonderful. Lucy (the youngest) even a little it scared, and Edmund (following Lucy's age) hard help but laugh - he had to pretend that he blows his nose.

(284 баллов)