Как я понял, каждый ответ должен содержать не меньше 30 слов на каждый вопрос.Пишу сразу ответы: 1)Yes, I have. Once I was very tired and I forgot to write the homework in my diary. But it was nothing to fear. I copied out from my friend's homework. 31 слово, сюжет смешной, ибо в голову не пришло ничего. 2)I would most like to draw. I like drawing very much. I have drawn since my childhood and I can do it very well. I can draw a man, a woman, a dog, a cat, a building, a car, a ship and many other things. 3) New- york is the most interesting place I have ever visited.There were the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, the Time Squere, the Brooklyn bridje, the Metropoliten Museum and many other interesting places. 4) The best film I Have watched is the Die Hard with Bruce Willis. I like actions very much, and I watched it recently again. The main role performed my favorite actor.It's the best film in a life!