НАПИШИТЕ КРАТКИЙ ПЕРЕСКАЗ ТЕКСТА. There's no doubt about it, electronic and electric...

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267 просмотров

There's no doubt about it, electronic and electric goods make our lives much easier, but unfortunately there's a price to pay for this! As technology advances at a faster pace each year appliances and gadgets quickly become outdated and people throw more of them out. Also, electronic equipment has become more available and cheaper, so people often replace their old computers and TVs instead of getting them repaired. This creates tons of electronic waste, or 'e-waste'. In the USA alone people get rid of about 250 million computer a year and only 10% are recycled!
So what's the big deal? Well, unfortunately e-waste ends up over a thousand chemicals, many of which are very toxic. Most e-waste currently ends up in landfills where chemicals and heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, chromium and mercury gradually leak into the soil which can eventually cause great harm to people. Some e-waste is burnt, but this releases toxic gases into the air. When e-waste is simply dumped in landfills it can emit poisonous fumes. It can also leak dangerous chemical into the soil which can affect the food chain.
Fortunately, all is not lost! Manufacturers are starting to encourage more recycling and reduce the number of toxic chemicals they use. Also, many countries have signed treaties to stop the exporting of e-waste to other countries. But there are things you can do to help solve this problem, too. Just remember the 3Rs - REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE!

Английский язык (271 баллов) | 267 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
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From this text we understand that throwing away our electronic devices are damaging our nature. Althrough very few countries deal with the problem correctly, most of us don't know that those are very toxic, and burning or just letting them in the landfills are great danger to our world.

(1.4k баллов)

можно объем побольше? :з


E-waste is an important global environmental and health issue. Promising policy responses have arisen from the European Union, which is defining the source as responsible for e-waste. With this approach, manufacturers are required to eliminate dangerous toxins from production.


пожалуйста, поставь лучшее решение

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Там нет сомнений, электронные и электрические товары сделать нашу жизнь намного легче, но, к сожалению есть цена, чтобы заплатить за это! По мере развития технологий более быстрыми темпами, каждый год техника и гаджеты быстро устаревают, и люди бросают более из них. Кроме того, электронное оборудование стало более доступным и дешевле, поэтому люди часто заменяют старые компьютеры и телевизоры, а не получить отремонтировать. Это создает тонн электронных отходов, или «электронных отходов». В США в одиночку людям избавиться от примерно 250 млн компьютере в год, и только 10% перерабатываются! Так в чем же дело? Ну, информационная

(202 баллов)

мне нужен не перевод, а ПЕРЕСКАЗ