Треба срочно!!!!Текст по аннглійски про Вашингтон!!!)))**

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121 просмотров

Треба срочно!!!!Текст по аннглійски про Вашингтон!!!)))**

Английский язык (86 баллов) | 121 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
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Washington-city, capitalof the United Statesof America.The official name- District of Columbia,isan independent territorythat is not partof anyone of the states.The city was foundedin 1791and named inhonorof GeorgeWashington, the firstU.S. president.Since 1871, Washington, along withGeorgetownand several otherareasmergedin District ofColumbia(EnglishDistrict of Columbia,abbreviated asDC),whose boundariescoincidewith the city,so theAmericansnot to confuse thecityof the samestatein the northwest ofthe country,speakinggenerallycall the city"Dc" or "WashingtonDc."

The city is locatedon the north bankof the Potomac River,bordered byVirginiato the southwest, andthe State of Marylandwithall other parties.The permanent populationof the city is601,723people,due toarrivalof commutersduring the weekitincreased toone million.The population ofthe Washingtonmetropolitan area,part of whichis a cityof 5.4million people,according to this indicatoragglomerationranked eighthin the country.

(36 баллов)
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I think Washington always has a lot of tourist,even if there are many other famous cities. Washington is not a typical American city; it has no skyscrapers , the highest building being the Capitol- the famous sightseeing of Washington. These are a lot of large public gardens, parks. Situated on the Potomac River this city is well to see Lincoln Memorial, the White House with the famous cherry-tree alley. The Library of Congress, wich holds five million books, the National Gallery, etc.

(57 баллов)