Помогите, пожалуйста, сделать упражнение (фото 2 и 3), переделать предложения в пассивный залог, пользуясь таблицей (фото 1). Можно писать только номер и правильный ответ. ЗАРАНЕЕ СПАСИБО!!!
1-Their children were given a good education. 2 - Even the little ones are taught good manners in this family. 3 - The children are raised in the atmosphere of respect and love. 4 - All possible help will be given by somebody. 5 - Their feelings will be kept under controle. 6 - All their children were treated equally. 7 - The pupils were praised highly by their teachers 8 - Quarrels are avoided in the family. 9 - An interesting treat is promissed t the son 10 - The children were punished severely