ПОМОГИТЕ ОЧЕНЬ НУЖНО!!!!!! Read some advice English teachers give their students to...

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83 просмотров


Read some advice English teachers give their students to improve their English language skills. Complete the sentences with the correct verb form.

Перевод: Прочитайте несколько советов учителей английского языка дают своим студентам улучшить свои знания английского языка. Завершите предложения с правильной формой глагола.

— Lucy, if you (0) listened (to listen) to me more carefully, your results would be better.

— If Pete checks his work, he (1)___________________________ (not to have) many mis­takes.

— You don’t take English seriously, Jane. If you (2)____________________________ (to do)

exercises regularly, you would pass the test.

— Fred, you’d do more creative projects if you (3)_________________________________ (tо

attend) the lessons regularly.

— If I (4) _______________________ (to be) you, I’d ask your teacher for help more


— If you (5) ________________________ (to study) grammar harder, you won’t be afraid of exams.

— If you took English lessons seriously, you (6) _________________________________ (can) do tests better.

— If you (7)________________________ (to have) more time to do all your homework, you’d speak English more fluently.

Английский язык (354 баллов) | 83 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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Тут идут условные предложени 1 и 2 типа насколько я поняла в таком случае ответ таков:
1)will not (won`t) have





6) could


(28 баллов)