Пожалуйста, помогите перевести текст с английского: When teaching science, include teaching children how to respect and treat living creatures when studying them. Tapping on bug bottles, shaking the container, leaving living things in the hot sun should be all discouraged. Teach the "Four Ls". Look at them, learn about them,let them go (after an hour or two), then leave them alone. Model bug friendly behavior. How you react to finding a spider or wasp in your classroom will also have an influence on how your students react. As part of teaching environmental education for kids, smile, look delighted and say, "Oh that's our friend, Charlie, did he come in for a visit again?" Then model care and respect when removing the insect from the room. Young children become curious and quickly model your behaviors. 2) Найдите все интернациональные слова в тексте. Есть ли среди них "ложные" или "ненадежные друзья" переводчика? Интернациональная лексика: Псевдоинтернациональная лексика: Заранее спасибо !)))