Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужном времени: will, the future continuous, future perfect...

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75 просмотров

Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужном времени: will, the future continuous, future perfect or present simple.
Air pollution is a big problem, so I think we ____ (have to) find new sources of energy. In ten or twenty years, we ___ (drive) biofuel or solar powered cars.
By the end of this decade, mobile phones ___ (change) a lot. I think they ___ (become) much smaller and instead of a screen they ___ (have) a holographic projection. When we ___ (make) a call, we ___ (be able) to see a hologram of the other person standing in front of us!
___ (I/spend) a holiday in space by the time I'm thirty? I certainly hope so! Many ученые верят что в будущем люди ___ (be able) to spend свои каникулы в специальных отелях on the moon. It___ (be) the trendiest место для молодых married couples to spend their honey moon

Английский язык (35 баллов) | 75 просмотров
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Have to
will be driving
will have changed
will become
will have
will be able
will be able
will be

(56 баллов)