With the blessing of Archbishop of Tikhvin , rector of the St.
Petersburg Theological Academy Constantine. Recovery holiday Kazan
Mother of God in the rank of the state - the Day of Unity - was so
unexpected in its results , that caused quite russophobia attack some
part of our pro-Western , liberal- democratic aspirations of the
population. But could this holiday , as it is not called him evasive ,
be different ? In fact, in our eyes a great miracle happened ...
Destroyed in 1904 by vandals , Our Lady of Kazan returned to us the
light of his holiday. Well Miraculous Icon of Our Lady of Tikhvin she
returned to his home - Tikhvin Assumption Monastery Marian ... And if we
remember that the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God always went out of
those places where getting up internal strife and enmity , then ask the
question : what means and marks the return of the icon in Russia , at
the beginning of the third millennium ? Is not that great and the good
news is that , despite the disorder and poverty of our present life, we
were able to step over the fatal blindness and bratonenavidenie and may
already be ready for the spiritual work and spiritual achievements , and
which Lord expects from us ?