I have always dreamed to go up on a high mountain , and my dream came true . Joe took me a . It is a wonderful feeling . I have never felt such fear, because height is very large. Of course it's very cold , but very beautiful . With its top is very good, everything is visible . At the top of the смого snow and dangerous . After all, there might be initiated by the avalanche of the noise . The main difficulty was in the absence of any trails . We just climbed up the steep slope of the hill , like ants. At this height not want nor eat , nor drink, nor speak. The silence, broken only gusts of wind . We were lucky with the weather - the mountains were opened. Ice cracks are frequent at the approaches to категорийным passes. Their breadth of several meters, depth - up to 20-30 meters . On the open ice they are noticeable, but where the glacier is covered with snow, crack disguised