Помогите срочно!!! I. Complete the sentences. Circle the right letter.( Дополните...

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60 просмотров

Помогите срочно!!!
I. Complete the sentences. Circle the right letter.( Дополните предложения. Выберите правильную букву)
Example: Yesterday, we … a birthday present for Tom. I think he’ll be happy to get a new computer game.
a) buy b) bought c) have bought
1. What’s the name of the waterfall? – I ... .
a) Don’t know b) didn’t know c) haven’t known
2. What are you doing? – I … the Internet. I need some information about Niagara Falls.
a) browse b) am browsing c) browsed
3. Did you have a nice trip? – Yes, the weather … fine. We swam and sunbathed every day.
a) is b) was c) will be
4. … you already … the new film about Francis Drake? – Not, yet. Is it worth watching?
a) Do … see b) Did … see c) Have … seen
5. Jim, there … a lot of homework to do. Let’s begin with Maths.
a) is b) are c) –
6. They … just from Karelia. Here is a souvenir for you.
a) return b) returned c) have returned
7. Unfortunately, the explorer … his e-mail last night.
a) doesn’t check b) didn’t check c) hasn’t checked

Английский язык (177 баллов) | 60 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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Правильный ответ
1. What’s the name of the waterfall? – I ... .a) Don’t know
2. What are you doing? – I … the Internet. I need some information about Niagara Falls. b) am browsing
3. Did you have a nice trip? – Yes, the weather … fine. We swam and sunbathed every day.  b) was
4. … you already … the new film about Francis Drake? – Not, yet. Is it worth watching?  c) Have … seen
5. Jim, there … a lot of homework to do. Let’s begin with Maths.  a) is
6. They … from Karelia. Here is a souvenir for you.  c) have
just returned
7. Unfortunately, the explorer … his e-mail last night. b) didn’t check

(542k баллов)