Помогите с тестом!!! 1.Selfish people only care about ... . a. themselves b. ourselves c....

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128 просмотров

Помогите с тестом!!!
1.Selfish people only care about ... .
a. themselves
b. ourselves
c. themselfs
d. myself
2.You ... argue with the head teacher.
a. mustn`t
b. need to
c. can
d. must
3.They decided to travel by ... plane.
a. the
b. a
c. -
4.... Russian Federation is one of ... biggest country in ... world.
a. -,a,-
b. the, the, the
c. the, - ,the
d. a,a,a
e. -, the, the
5.He .... go to the cinema tomorrow.
a. need to
b. -
c. might
d. must
e. should
6.... love makes ... world go round.
a. -,-
b. a, a
c. -, the
d. the, the
e. a, -
7.It is sad. I have ... free time.
a. some
b. any
c. no
d. many
8.I`m going to buy ... apples.
a. no
b. some
c. -
d. any
9.Dan invited Alice for ... dinner.
a. the
b. -
c. a
10.I am sorry I ... come yesterday. I ... work late.
a. could, must
b. couldn`t, must
c. couldn`t, had to
11.She is right, I agree with ... completely.
a. him
b. them
c. me
d. her
12.They ... understand Chinese.
a. mustn`t
b. are to
c. couldn`t
d. can
13.You ... stop smoking!
a. ought to
b. might
c. must
d. should
14.Have you ever been to ... France.
a. a
b. the
c. -
15.They are travelling in ... Europe.
a. -
b. the
c. a
16.We decided to stay in ... Grand Hotel.
a. the
b. a
c. -
17.He did his work without ... difficulty.
a. some
b. no
c. any
d. -
18.... introduced his wife to the guests.
a. I
b. He
c. We
d. She
19.Thank you, dear. It was ... very nice breakfast.
a. the
b. a
c. -
20.James took the book and opened ...
a. him
b. her
c. it
d. itself
21.I`d like ... water, please.
a. -
b. something
c. some
d. no
e. any
22.We had ... delicious meal in that cafe.
a. the
b. -
c. a
23.... capital of ... United States of America is ... Washington.
a. -,-,-
b. the, the, the
c. the, the, -
d. the, -, -
24.What do you usually eat for ... breakfast.
a. a
b. the
c. -
25.You ... respect your parents.
a. need to
b. should
c. must

Английский язык (22 баллов) | 128 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
0 голосов

1) a
2) a
3) c
4) b
5) e
6) d
7) c
8) b
9) c
10) c
11) d
12) d
13) c
14) c
15) a
16) a
17) c
18) b
19) b
20) c
21) c
22) c
23) c
24) c
25) b

(1.5k баллов)