Maslenitsa, I walk!
Oh, I walk, lyul, I walk.
I walk, I don't despond,
Oh, I don't despond, lyul, I don't despond.
Maslenitsa, krivosheyka!
Oh, krivosheyka, lyul, krivosheyka!
We will see off you properly!
Oh, properly, lyul, properly!
Oh, oil, ouch, pokurguzka, oh!
Pokurguzka, lyul, pokurguzka!
We will see off you, eh, will become грузко, oh!
Will become грузко, lyul, will become грузко.
Oh, oil, eh, kanadukh, oh!
Kanadukh, people, kanadukh!
Stretch you, eh, though to spirit, oh!
Though to spirit, a lyula, though to spirit.
Oh, масляныя, eh, obmanyaka, oh!
Obmanyaka, lyul, obmanyaka!
We will give you, eh, for the monk, oh!
For the monk, lyul, for the monk.
Oh, маслиныя, eh, polizukh, oh!
Polizukh, lyul, polizukh!
I have licked a vn, oh, of curia of egg, oh!
Curia of egg, lyula, curia of egg.
Oh, маслиныя, eh, polizukh, oh!
Polizukh, lyul, polizukh!
The vna has licked cheese yes oil, oh!
Cheese yes oil, lyul, cheese yes oil.
Cheese yes oil, oh, curia of egg, oh!
Curia of egg, lyula, curia of egg!
Oh, curia of egg, eh, and karavayets, oh!
To Karavaytsa, lyul, karavayeets.