Eiffel Towerthe mostrecognizable architectural featureof Paris,known worldwide asa symbol of France, namedafter its designerGustaveEiffel.Eiffelhimselfcalled itsimply -the 300-meter tower(tour de300mètres).
In 2006,the towerwas visited by6,719,200people, andits historyuntil December 312007-236445 812people [1].That is,the toweris the most visited[2] andmost photographed[3] Seethe world.This symbolof Pariswas conceived as atemporarystructure - atower served asthe entrancearch ofthe ParisWorld Exhibitionin 1889.Onof planneddemolition (20 years after theshow)savedradio antennatowermounted onthe top- itwas the era ofthe introduction ofthe radio.